KubeVirt instancetype.kubevirt.io `InferFromVolume` demo

As I alluded to in my previous demo post we have some exciting new features currently under development concerning instance types and preferences. This post introduces one of these, the ability for KubeVirt to infer the default instance type and preference of a VirtualMachine from a suggested Volume.

Current Design

The current design document PR is listed below:

design-proposals: Default instance types inferred from volumes https://github.com/kubevirt/community/pull/190

The tl;dr being that the {Instancetype,Preference}Matchers will be extended with an inferFromVolume attribute that will reference the name of a Volume associatied with the VirtualMachine. This Volume will then be used to infer defaults by looking for the following annotations:

  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/defaultInstancetype
  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/defaultInstancetypeKind (Defaults to VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype)
  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/defaultPreference
  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/defaultPreferenceKind (Defaults to VirtualMachineClusterPreference)

Initially only PVC and DataVolume derived Volumes will be supported but this will likely be extended to anything with annotations, such as Containers.

Feedback is welcome in the design review document if you have any!


This demo is based on some work in progress code posted below:

WIP - Introduce support for default instance type and preference PVC annotations https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/pull/8480

The demo script, resource definitions and asciinema recording can be found below:


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KubeVirt instancetype.kubevirt.io Demo #3

This is my third demo for KubeVirt, this time introducing the following features and bugfixes:

  • A new v1alpha2 instancetype API version
  • New AutoAttachInputDevice auto attach & PreferredAutoAttachInputDevice preference attributes
  • A bugfix for the PreferredMachineType preference

If you’ve been following my instance type development blog series you will note that some of these aren’t that recent but as I’ve not covered them in a demo until now I wanted to touch on them again.

Expect more demos in the coming weeks as I catch up with the current state of development.



I’m not going to include a complete transcript this time but the script and associated examples are available on my demos repo.

Read More

KubeVirt instancetype.kubevirt.io Update #3

Welcome to part #3 of this series following the development of instancetypes and preferences within KubeVirt!

What’s new



A new v1alpha2 instancetype API version has now been introduced in the above PR from my colleague akrejcir. This switches the ControllerRevisions over to using complete objects instead of just the spec of the object. Amongst other things this means that kubectl can present the complete object to the user within the ControllerRevision as shown below:

$ kubectl.sh apply -f examples/csmall.yaml -f examples/vm-cirros-csmall.yaml
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/csmall created
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/vm-cirros-csmall created

$ kubectl get vm/vm-cirros-csmall -o json | jq .spec.instancetype
  "kind": "VirtualMachineInstancetype",
  "name": "csmall",
  "revisionName": "vm-cirros-csmall-csmall-72c3a35b-6e18-487d-bebf-f73c7d4f4a40-1"

$ kubectl get controllerrevision/vm-cirros-csmall-csmall-72c3a35b-6e18-487d-bebf-f73c7d4f4a40-1 -o json | jq .
  "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  "data": {
    "apiVersion": "instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha2",
    "kind": "VirtualMachineInstancetype",
    "metadata": {
      "creationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T12:20:19Z",
      "generation": 1,
      "name": "csmall",
      "namespace": "default",
      "resourceVersion": "10303",
      "uid": "72c3a35b-6e18-487d-bebf-f73c7d4f4a40"
    "spec": {
      "cpu": {
        "guest": 1
      "memory": {
        "guest": "128Mi"
  "kind": "ControllerRevision",
  "metadata": {
    "creationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T12:20:19Z",
    "name": "vm-cirros-csmall-csmall-72c3a35b-6e18-487d-bebf-f73c7d4f4a40-1",
    "namespace": "default",
    "ownerReferences": [
        "apiVersion": "kubevirt.io/v1",
        "blockOwnerDeletion": true,
        "controller": true
        "kind": "VirtualMachine",
        "name": "vm-cirros-csmall",
        "uid": "5216527a-1d31-4637-ad3a-b640cb9949a2"
    "resourceVersion": "10307",
    "uid": "a7bc784b-4cea-45d7-8432-15418e1dd7d3"
  "revision": 0

Please note that while the API version has been incremented this new version is fully backwardly compatible with v1alpha1 and as a result requires no user modifications to existing v1alpha1 resources.

expand-spec APIs


akrejcir also landed two new subresource APIs that can take either a raw VirtualMachine definition or an existing VirtualMachine resource and expand the VirtualMachineInstanceSpec within using any referenced VirtualMachineInstancetype or VirtualMachinePreference resources.

expand-spec for existing VirtualMachines

The following expands the spec of a defined vm-cirros-csmall VirtualMachine resource that references the example csmall instancetype using diff to show the changes between the original and expanded definition returned by the API:

$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f examples/csmall.yaml -f examples/vm-cirros-csmall.yaml
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh proxy --port=8080 &
$ diff --color -u <(./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/vm-cirros-csmall -o json | jq -S .spec.template.spec.domain) \
  <(curl http://localhost:8080/apis/subresources.kubevirt.io/v1/namespaces/default/virtualmachines/vm-cirros-csmall/expand-spec | jq -S .spec.template.spec.domain)
--- /dev/fd/63	2022-10-05 15:51:23.599135528 +0100
+++ /dev/fd/62	2022-10-05 15:51:23.599135528 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+  "cpu": {
+    "cores": 1,
+    "sockets": 1,
+    "threads": 1
+  },
   "devices": {
     "disks": [
@@ -16,5 +21,8 @@
   "machine": {
     "type": "q35"
+  "memory": {
+    "guest": "128Mi"
+  },
   "resources": {}

expand-spec for a RAW VirtualMachine definition

The following expands the spec of a raw undefined VirtualMachine passed to the API that references the example csmall instancetype again using diff to show the changes between the original raw definition and the returned expanded definition:

$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f examples/csmall.yaml
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh proxy --port=8080 &
$ diff --color -u <(jq -S .spec.template.spec.domain ./examples/vm-cirros-csmall.yaml) <(curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./examples/vm-cirros-csmall.yaml http://localhost:8080/apis/subresources.kubevirt.io/v1/expand-spec
--- /dev/fd/63	2022-10-05 16:19:56.035111587 +0100
+++ /dev/fd/62	2022-10-05 16:19:56.035111587 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+  "cpu": {
+    "cores": 1,
+    "sockets": 1,
+    "threads": 1
+  },
   "devices": {
     "disks": [
@@ -16,5 +21,8 @@
   "machine": {
     "type": "q35"
+  "memory": {
+    "guest": "128Mi"
+  },
   "resources": {}

Please note that there remains some on-going work around the raw VirtualMachine definition API.



A new AutoattachInputDevice toggle to control the attachment of a default input device has been introduced:

$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f examples/csmall.yaml
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: demo-autoattachinputdevice
    name: csmall
    kind: virtualmachineinstancetype
  running: true
          autoattachInputDevice: true
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/demo-autoattachinputdevice -o json  | jq .spec.domain.devices.inputs
selecting docker as container runtime
    "bus": "usb",
    "name": "default-0",
    "type": "tablet"

An associated PreferredAutoattachInputDevice preference has also been introduced to control AutoattachInputDevice along with the existing preferredInputType and preferredInputBus preferences:

$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f examples/csmall.yaml
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha2
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: preferredinputdevice
    preferredAutoattachInputDevice: true
    preferredInputType: tablet
    preferredInputBus: virtio
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: demo-preferredinputdevice
    name: csmall
    kind: virtualmachineinstancetype
    name: preferredinputdevice
    kind: virtualmachinepreference
  running: true
        devices: {}
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo-preferredinputdevice -o json  | jq .spec.template.spec.domain.devices
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/demo-preferredinputdevice -o json  | jq .spec.domain.devices.autoattachInputDevice
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/demo-preferredinputdevice -o json  | jq .spec.domain.devices.inputs
    "bus": "virtio",
    "name": "default-0",
    "type": "tablet"



The KubeVirt project has for a while now provided a set of common-templates to help users to define VirtualMachines. These OpenShift/OKD templates cover a range of guest OS’s and workloads (server, desktop, highperformance etc).

I’ve created an instancetype based equivalent to this outside of KubeVirt for the time being. My common-instancetypes repo provides instancetypes and preferences covering all of the combinations covered by common-templates with some hopefully useful additions such as preferences for CirrOS and Alpine Linux.

The repo currently uses kustomize to generate everything so deployment into a cluster is extremely simple:

$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh kustomize https://github.com/lyarwood/common-instancetypes.git | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
virtualmachineclusterinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/highperformance.large created
virtualmachineclusterinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/highperformance.medium created
virtualmachineclusterinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/highperformance.small created
virtualmachineclusterinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/server.large created
virtualmachineclusterinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/server.medium created
virtualmachineclusterinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/server.small created
virtualmachineclusterinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/server.tiny created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/alpine created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7.desktop created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7.i440fx created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.8 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.8.desktop created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.9 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.9.desktop created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/cirros created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/fedora.35 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/fedora.36 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/pc-i440fx created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7.desktop created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7.i440fx created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.8 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.8.desktop created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.9 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.9.desktop created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.18.04 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.20.04 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.22.04 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.10 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.10.virtio created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.11 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.11.virtio created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k12 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k12.virtio created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k16 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k16.virtio created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k19 created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k19.virtio created
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/highperformance.large created
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/highperformance.medium created
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/highperformance.small created
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/server.large created
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/server.medium created
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/server.small created
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/server.tiny created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/alpine created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7.desktop created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7.i440fx created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.8 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.8.desktop created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.9 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.9.desktop created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/cirros created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/fedora.35 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/fedora.36 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/pc-i440fx created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7.desktop created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7.i440fx created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.8 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.8.desktop created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.9 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.9.desktop created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.18.04 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.20.04 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.22.04 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.10 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.10.virtio created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.11 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.11.virtio created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k12 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k12.virtio created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k16 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k16.virtio created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k19 created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k19.virtio created

Users can also deploy by generating specific resource Kinds such as VirtualMachineClusterPreferences below:

./cluster-up/kubectl.sh kustomize https://github.com/lyarwood/common-instancetypes.git/VirtualMachineClusterPreferences | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/alpine unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7.i440fx unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.8 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.8.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.9 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.9.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/cirros unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/fedora.35 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/fedora.36 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/pc-i440fx unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7.i440fx unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.8 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.8.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.9 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.9.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.18.04 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.20.04 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.22.04 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.10 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.10.virtio unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.11 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.11.virtio unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k12 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k12.virtio unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k16 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k16.virtio unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k19 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k19.virtio unchanged

Finally users can also deploy using a set of generated bundles in the repo:

# ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lyarwood/common-instancetypes/main/common-clusterpreferences-bundle.yaml
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/alpine unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.7.i440fx unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.8 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.8.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.9 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/centos.9.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/cirros unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/fedora.35 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/fedora.36 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/pc-i440fx unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.7.i440fx unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.8 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.8.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.9 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/rhel.9.desktop unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.18.04 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.20.04 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/ubuntu.22.04 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.10 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.10.virtio unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.11 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.11.virtio unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k12 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k12.virtio unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k16 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k16.virtio unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k19 unchanged
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/windows.2k19.virtio unchanged

The next step with the repo is obviously to move it under the main KubeVirt namespace which will lots of housekeeping to get CI setup, generate releases etc.In the meantime issues and pull requests against the original repo would still be welcome and encouraged!

We also have plans to have the cluster wide instancetypes and preferences deployed by default by KubeVirt. This has yet to be raised formally with the community and as such a deployment mechanism hasn’t been agreed upon yet. Hopefully more on this in the near future.

Bug fixes

8142 - Referenced VirtualMachineInstancetypes can be deleted before a VirtualMachine starts



As described in the issue the VirtualMachine controller would previously wait until the first start of a VirtualMachine to create any ControllerRevisions for a referenced instancetype or preference. As such users could easily modify or even remove the referenced resources ahead of this first start causing failures when the request is eventually made:

# ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f examples/csmall.yaml -f examples/vm-cirros-csmall.yaml 
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/csmall created
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/vm-cirros-csmall created
# ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh delete virtualmachineinstancetype/csmall
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io "csmall" deleted
# ./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start vm-cirros-csmall
Error starting VirtualMachine Internal error occurred: admission webhook "virtualmachine-validator.kubevirt.io" denied the request: Failure to find instancetype: virtualmachineinstancetypes.instancetype.kubevirt.io "csmall" not found

The fix here was to move the creation of these ControllerRevisions to earlier within the VirtualMachine controller reconcile loop, ensuring that they are created as soon as the VirtualMachine is seen for the first time.

$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f examples/csmall.yaml -f examples/vm-cirros-csmall.yaml 
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/csmall created
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/vm-cirros-csmall created
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/vm-cirros-csmall -o json | jq .spec.instancetype
selecting docker as container runtime
  "kind": "VirtualMachineInstancetype",
  "name": "csmall",
  "revisionName": "vm-cirros-csmall-csmall-6486bc40-955a-480f-b38a-19372812e388-1"

8338 - PreferredMachineType never applied to VirtualMachineInstance



Preferences are only applied to a VirtualMachineInstance when a user has not already provided a corresponding value within their VirtualMachine [1]. This is an issue for PreferredMachineType however as the VirtualMachine mutation webhook always provides some kind of default [2], resulting in the PreferredMachineType never being applied to the VirtualMachineInstance.

[1] https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/blob/bcfbd78d803e9868e0665b51878a2a093e9b74c2/pkg/instancetype/instancetype.go#L950-L952
[2] https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/blob/bcfbd78d803e9868e0665b51878a2a093e9b74c2/pkg/virt-api/webhooks/mutating-webhook/mutators/vm-mutator.go#L98-L112

The fix here was to lookup and apply preferences during the VirtualMachine mutation webhook to ensure we applied PreferredMachineType when the user hasn’t already provided their own value.

$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f examples/csmall.yaml
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha2
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: preferredmachinetype
    preferredMachineType: "pc-q35-6.2"
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: demo-preferredmachinetype
    name: csmall
    kind: virtualmachineinstancetype
    name: preferredmachinetype
    kind: virtualmachinepreference
  running: true
        devices: {}
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo-preferredmachinetype -o json | jq .spec.template.spec.domain.machine
selecting docker as container runtime
  "type": "pc-q35-6.2"

8435 - VirtualMachineSnapshot of a VirtualMachine referencing a VirtualMachineInstancetype becomes stuck InProgress



As set out in the issue attempting to create a VirtualMachineSnapshot of a VirtualMachine referencing a VirtualMachineInstancetype would previously leave the VirtualMachineSnapshot InProgress as the VirtualMachine controller was unable to add the required snapshot finalizer.

The fix here was to ensure that any VirtualMachineInstancetype referenced was applied to a copy of the VirtualMachine when checking for conflicts in the VirtualMachine admission webhook, allowing the snapshot finalizer to later be added.


kubevirt.io blog post


After finally fixing a build issue with the blog we now have a post introducing the basic instancetype concepts with examples.



We now have basic user-guide documentation introduction instancetypes. Feedback welcome, please do /cc lyarwood on any issues or PRs related to this doc!


VirtualMachineInstancePreset deprecation in favor of VirtualMachineInstancetype


This deprecation has now landed. VirtualMachineInstancePresets are based on the PodPresets k8s resource and API that injected data into pods at creation time. However this API never graduated from alpha and was removed in 1.20 [1]. While useful there are some issues with the implementation that have resulted in alternative approaches such as VirtualMachineInstancetypes and VirtualMachinePreferences being made available within KubeVirt.

As per the CRD versioning docs this change updated the generated CRD definition of VirtualMachineInstancePreset marking the currently available versions of v1 and v1alpha3 as deprecated.

More context and discussion is also available on the mailing-list [3].

[1] https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/94090 [2] https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/custom-resources/custom-resource-definition-versioning/#version-deprecation [3] https://groups.google.com/g/kubevirt-dev/c/eM7JaDV_EU8

area/instancetype label on kubevirt/kubevirt


We now have an area label for instancetypes on the kubevirt/kubevirt repo that I’ve been manually applying to PRs and issues. Please feel free to use this by commenting /area instancetype on anything you think it related to instancetypes! I do hope to automate this for specific files in the future.


Moving the API towards v1beta1


With the new v1alpha2 version landing I also wanted to again draw attention to the above issue tracking our progress to v1beta1. Obviously a long way to go but if you do have any suggested changes ahead of v1beta1 please feel free to comment there.

Support for default instancetype and preference PVC annotations



This topic deserves its’ own blog post but for now I’d just like to highlight the design doc and WIP code series above looking at introducing support for default instancetype and preference annoations into KubeVirt. The following example demonstrates the current PVC support in the series but I’d also like to expand this to other volume types where possible. Again, feedback welcome on the design doc or code series itself!

$ wget https://github.com/cirros-dev/cirros/releases/download/0.5.2/cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img
$ ./cluster-up/virtctl.sh image-upload pvc cirros --size=1Gi --image-path=./cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh kustomize https://github.com/lyarwood/common-instancetypes.git | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh annotate pvc/cirros instancetype.kubevirt.io/defaultInstancetype=server.medium instancetype.kubevirt.io/defaultPreference=rhel.7
$ cat <<EOF | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: cirros
  running: true
        devices: {}
      - persistentVolumeClaim:
          claimName: cirros
        name: disk
        inferInstancetype: true
        inferPreference: true
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/cirros -o json | jq '.spec.instancetype, .spec.preference'
selecting docker as container runtime
  "kind": "virtualmachineclusterinstancetype",
  "name": "server.medium",
  "revisionName": "cirros-server.medium-85cd3327-1825-45b1-9c8f-7ca18b2e4124-1"
  "kind": "virtualmachineclusterpreference",
  "name": "rhel.7",
  "revisionName": "cirros-rhel.7-0b081d8a-f216-44e9-8248-9f0c373b2fdc-1"

Reintroduce use of instancetype informers within virt controller


The use of these informers was previously removed by ee4e266. After further discussions on the mailing-list however it has become clear that the removal of these informers from the virt-controller was not required and they can be reintroduced.

virtctl create vm based on instancetype and preferences


I’d like to make a start on this in the coming weeks. The basic idea being that the new command would generate a VirtualMachine definition we could then pipe to kubectl apply, something like the following:

$ virtctl create vm --instancetype csmall --preference cirros --pvc cirros-disk | kubectl apply -f -

Read More

KubeVirt instancetype.kubevirt.io Demo #2

In my initial VirtualMachineFlavor Update #1 post I included an asciinema recorded demo towards the end. I’ve re-recorded the demo given the recent rename and I’ve also created a personal repo of demos to store the original script and recordings outside of asciinema.



# [..] 
# Agenda
# 1. The Basics
# 2. VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype and VirtualMachineClusterPreference
# 3. VirtualMachineInstancetype vs VirtualMachinePreference vs VirtualMachine
# 4. Versioning
# 5. What's next... 
#    - https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/issues/7897
#    - https://blog.yarwood.me.uk/2022/07/21/kubevirt_instancetype_update_2/

# Demo #1 The Basics
# Lets start by creating a simple namespaced VirtualMachineInstancetype, VirtualMachinePreference and VirtualMachine
cat <<EOF | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachineInstancetype
  name: small
    guest: 2
    guest: 128Mi
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: cirros
    preferredDiskBus: virtio
    preferredInterfaceModel: virtio
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: demo
    kind: VirtualMachineInstancetype
    name: small
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
    name: cirros
  running: false
        devices: {}
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
      - cloudInitNoCloud:
          userData: |

            echo 'printed from cloud-init userdata'            
        name: cloudinitdisk
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/small created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/cirros created
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo created
# # Starting the VirtualMachine applies the VirtualMachineInstancetype and VirtualMachinePreference to the VirtualMachineInstance
./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start demo &&  ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh wait vms/demo --for=condition=Ready
selecting docker as container runtime
VM demo was scheduled to start
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo condition met
# #
# We can check this by comparing the two VirtualMachineInstanceSpec fields from the VirualMachine and VirtualMachineInstance
diff --color -u <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo -o json | jq .spec.template.spec) <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/demo -o json | jq .spec)
selecting docker as container runtime
selecting docker as container runtime
--- /dev/fd/63	2022-08-03 13:36:29.588992874 +0100
+++ /dev/fd/62	2022-08-03 13:36:29.588992874 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,65 @@
   "domain": {
-    "devices": {},
+    "cpu": {
+      "cores": 1,
+      "model": "host-model",
+      "sockets": 2,
+      "threads": 1
+    },
+    "devices": {
+      "disks": [
+        {
+          "disk": {
+            "bus": "virtio"
+          },
+          "name": "containerdisk"
+        },
+        {
+          "disk": {
+            "bus": "virtio"
+          },
+          "name": "cloudinitdisk"
+        }
+      ],
+      "interfaces": [
+        {
+          "bridge": {},
+          "model": "virtio",
+          "name": "default"
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    "features": {
+      "acpi": {
+        "enabled": true
+      }
+    },
+    "firmware": {
+      "uuid": "c89d1344-ee03-5c55-99bd-5df16b72bea0"
+    },
     "machine": {
       "type": "q35"
-    "resources": {}
+    "memory": {
+      "guest": "128Mi"
+    },
+    "resources": {
+      "requests": {
+        "memory": "128Mi"
+      }
+    }
+  "networks": [
+    {
+      "name": "default",
+      "pod": {}
+    }
+  ],
   "volumes": [
       "containerDisk": {
-        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel"
+        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel",
+        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
       "name": "containerdisk"
# #
# Demo #2 Cluster wide CRDs
# #
# We also have cluster wide instancetypes and preferences we can use, note these are the default if no kind is provided within the VirtualMachine.
cat <<EOF | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype
  name: small-cluster
    guest: 2
    guest: 128Mi
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachineClusterPreference
  name: cirros-cluster
    preferredDiskBus: virtio
    preferredInterfaceModel: virtio
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: demo-cluster
    name: small-cluster
    name: cirros-cluster
  running: false
        devices: {}
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
      - cloudInitNoCloud:
          userData: |

            echo 'printed from cloud-init userdata'            
        name: cloudinitdisk
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachineclusterinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/small-cluster created
virtualmachineclusterpreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/cirros-cluster created
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-cluster created
# #
# InstancetypeMatcher and PreferenceMatcher default to the Cluster CRD Kinds
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo-cluster -o json | jq '.spec.instancetype, .spec.preference'
selecting docker as container runtime
  "kind": "virtualmachineclusterinstancetype",
  "name": "small-cluster"
  "kind": "virtualmachineclusterpreference",
  "name": "cirros-cluster"
# ./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start demo-cluster &&  ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh wait vms/demo-cluster --for=condition=Ready
diff --color -u <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo-cluster -o json | jq .spec.template.spec) <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/demo-cluster -o json | jq .spec)
selecting docker as container runtime
VM demo-cluster was scheduled to start
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-cluster condition met
selecting docker as container runtime
selecting docker as container runtime
--- /dev/fd/63	2022-08-03 13:37:04.897273573 +0100
+++ /dev/fd/62	2022-08-03 13:37:04.897273573 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,65 @@
   "domain": {
-    "devices": {},
+    "cpu": {
+      "cores": 1,
+      "model": "host-model",
+      "sockets": 2,
+      "threads": 1
+    },
+    "devices": {
+      "disks": [
+        {
+          "disk": {
+            "bus": "virtio"
+          },
+          "name": "containerdisk"
+        },
+        {
+          "disk": {
+            "bus": "virtio"
+          },
+          "name": "cloudinitdisk"
+        }
+      ],
+      "interfaces": [
+        {
+          "bridge": {},
+          "model": "virtio",
+          "name": "default"
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    "features": {
+      "acpi": {
+        "enabled": true
+      }
+    },
+    "firmware": {
+      "uuid": "05fa1ec0-3e45-581d-84e2-36ddc6b50633"
+    },
     "machine": {
       "type": "q35"
-    "resources": {}
+    "memory": {
+      "guest": "128Mi"
+    },
+    "resources": {
+      "requests": {
+        "memory": "128Mi"
+      }
+    }
+  "networks": [
+    {
+      "name": "default",
+      "pod": {}
+    }
+  ],
   "volumes": [
       "containerDisk": {
-        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel"
+        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel",
+        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
       "name": "containerdisk"
# #
# Demo #3 Instancetypes vs Preferences vs VirtualMachine
# #
# Users cannot overwrite anything set by an instancetype in their VirtualMachine, for example CPU topologies
cat <<EOF | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: demo-instancetype-conflict
    kind: VirtualMachineInstancetype
    name: small
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
    name: cirros
  running: false
          threads: 1
          cores: 3
          sockets: 1
        devices: {}
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
      - cloudInitNoCloud:
          userData: |

            echo 'printed from cloud-init userdata'            
        name: cloudinitdisk
selecting docker as container runtime
The request is invalid: spec.template.spec.domain.cpu: VM field conflicts with selected Instancetype
# #
# Users can however overwrite anything set by a preference in their VirtualMachine, for example disk buses etc.
cat <<EOF | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: demo-instancetype-user-preference
    kind: VirtualMachineInstancetype
    name: small
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
    name: cirros
  running: false
          - disk:
              bus: sata
            name: containerdisk
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
      - cloudInitNoCloud:
          userData: |

            echo 'printed from cloud-init userdata'            
        name: cloudinitdisk
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-instancetype-user-preference created
# ./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start demo-instancetype-user-preference && ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh wait vms/demo-instancetype-user-preference --for=condition=Ready
diff --color -u <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo-instancetype-user-preference -o json | jq .spec.template.spec) <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/demo-instancetype-user-preference -o json | jq .spec)
selecting docker as container runtime
VM demo-instancetype-user-preference was scheduled to start
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-instancetype-user-preference condition met
selecting docker as container runtime
selecting docker as container runtime
--- /dev/fd/63	2022-08-03 13:37:38.099537528 +0100
+++ /dev/fd/62	2022-08-03 13:37:38.099537528 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
   "domain": {
+    "cpu": {
+      "cores": 1,
+      "model": "host-model",
+      "sockets": 2,
+      "threads": 1
+    },
     "devices": {
       "disks": [
@@ -7,18 +13,53 @@
             "bus": "sata"
           "name": "containerdisk"
+        },
+        {
+          "disk": {
+            "bus": "virtio"
+          },
+          "name": "cloudinitdisk"
+        }
+      ],
+      "interfaces": [
+        {
+          "bridge": {},
+          "model": "virtio",
+          "name": "default"
+    "features": {
+      "acpi": {
+        "enabled": true
+      }
+    },
+    "firmware": {
+      "uuid": "195ea4a3-8505-5368-b068-9536257886ea"
+    },
     "machine": {
       "type": "q35"
-    "resources": {}
+    "memory": {
+      "guest": "128Mi"
+    },
+    "resources": {
+      "requests": {
+        "memory": "128Mi"
+      }
+    }
+  "networks": [
+    {
+      "name": "default",
+      "pod": {}
+    }
+  ],
   "volumes": [
       "containerDisk": {
-        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel"
+        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel",
+        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
       "name": "containerdisk"
# #
# Demo #4 Versioning
# #
# We have versioning of instancetypes and preferences, note that the InstancetypeMatcher and PreferenceMatcher now have a populated revisionName field
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo -o json | jq '.spec.instancetype, .spec.preference'
selecting docker as container runtime
  "kind": "VirtualMachineInstancetype",
  "name": "small",
  "revisionName": "demo-small-4a28a2f3-fd34-421a-98d8-a2659f9a8eb7-1"
  "kind": "VirtualMachinePreference",
  "name": "cirros",
  "revisionName": "demo-cirros-d08c3914-7d2b-43b4-a295-9cd3687bf151-1"
# #
# These are the names of ControllerRevisions containing a copy of the VirtualMachine{Instancetype,Preference}Spec at the time of application
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get controllerrevisions/$( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo -o json | jq .spec.instancetype.revisionName |  tr -d '"') -o json | jq .
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get controllerrevisions/$( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo -o json | jq .spec.preference.revisionName | tr -d '"') -o json | jq .
selecting docker as container runtime
selecting docker as container runtime
  "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  "data": {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "spec": "eyJjcHUiOnsiZ3Vlc3QiOjJ9LCJtZW1vcnkiOnsiZ3Vlc3QiOiIxMjhNaSJ9fQ=="
  "kind": "ControllerRevision",
  "metadata": {
    "creationTimestamp": "2022-08-03T12:36:20Z",
    "name": "demo-small-4a28a2f3-fd34-421a-98d8-a2659f9a8eb7-1",
    "namespace": "default",
    "ownerReferences": [
        "apiVersion": "kubevirt.io/v1",
        "blockOwnerDeletion": true,
        "controller": true,
        "kind": "VirtualMachine",
        "name": "demo",
        "uid": "e67ad6ba-7792-40ab-9cd2-a411b6161971"
    "resourceVersion": "53965",
    "uid": "3f20c656-ea33-45d1-9195-fb3c4f7085b9"
  "revision": 0
selecting docker as container runtime
selecting docker as container runtime
  "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  "data": {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "spec": "eyJkZXZpY2VzIjp7InByZWZlcnJlZERpc2tCdXMiOiJ2aXJ0aW8iLCJwcmVmZXJyZWRJbnRlcmZhY2VNb2RlbCI6InZpcnRpbyJ9fQ=="
  "kind": "ControllerRevision",
  "metadata": {
    "creationTimestamp": "2022-08-03T12:36:20Z",
    "name": "demo-cirros-d08c3914-7d2b-43b4-a295-9cd3687bf151-1",
    "namespace": "default",
    "ownerReferences": [
        "apiVersion": "kubevirt.io/v1",
        "blockOwnerDeletion": true,
        "controller": true,
        "kind": "VirtualMachine",
        "name": "demo",
        "uid": "e67ad6ba-7792-40ab-9cd2-a411b6161971"
    "resourceVersion": "53966",
    "uid": "dc47f75f-b548-41fd-b0db-8af4b458994b"
  "revision": 0
# # With versioning we can update the VirtualMachineInstancetype, create a new VirtualMachine to assert the changes and then check that our original VirtualMachine hasn't changed
cat <<EOF | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachineInstancetype
  name: small
    guest: 3
    guest: 256Mi
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: cirros
    preferredCPUTopology: preferCores
    preferredDiskBus: virtio
    preferredInterfaceModel: virtio
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: demo-updated
    kind: VirtualMachineInstancetype
    name: small
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
    name: cirros
  running: false
        devices: {}
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
      - cloudInitNoCloud:
          userData: |

            echo 'printed from cloud-init userdata'            
        name: cloudinitdisk
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/small configured
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/cirros configured
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-updated created
# #
# Now start the updated VirtualMachine
./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start demo-updated &&  ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh wait vms/demo-updated --for=condition=Ready
selecting docker as container runtime
VM demo-updated was scheduled to start
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-updated condition met
# #
# We now see the updated instancetype used by the new VirtualMachine and applied to the VirtualMachineInstance
diff --color -u <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo-updated -o json | jq .spec.template.spec) <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/demo-updated -o json | jq .spec)
selecting docker as container runtime
selecting docker as container runtime
--- /dev/fd/63	2022-08-03 13:38:37.203007409 +0100
+++ /dev/fd/62	2022-08-03 13:38:37.204007417 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,65 @@
   "domain": {
-    "devices": {},
+    "cpu": {
+      "cores": 3,
+      "model": "host-model",
+      "sockets": 1,
+      "threads": 1
+    },
+    "devices": {
+      "disks": [
+        {
+          "disk": {
+            "bus": "virtio"
+          },
+          "name": "containerdisk"
+        },
+        {
+          "disk": {
+            "bus": "virtio"
+          },
+          "name": "cloudinitdisk"
+        }
+      ],
+      "interfaces": [
+        {
+          "bridge": {},
+          "model": "virtio",
+          "name": "default"
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    "features": {
+      "acpi": {
+        "enabled": true
+      }
+    },
+    "firmware": {
+      "uuid": "937dc645-17f0-599b-be81-c1e9dbde8075"
+    },
     "machine": {
       "type": "q35"
-    "resources": {}
+    "memory": {
+      "guest": "256Mi"
+    },
+    "resources": {
+      "requests": {
+        "memory": "256Mi"
+      }
+    }
+  "networks": [
+    {
+      "name": "default",
+      "pod": {}
+    }
+  ],
   "volumes": [
       "containerDisk": {
-        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel"
+        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel",
+        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
       "name": "containerdisk"
# #
# With new ControllerRevisions referenced from the underlying VirtualMachine
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo-updated -o json | jq '.spec.instancetype, .spec.preference'
selecting docker as container runtime
  "kind": "VirtualMachineInstancetype",
  "name": "small",
  "revisionName": "demo-updated-small-4a28a2f3-fd34-421a-98d8-a2659f9a8eb7-2"
  "kind": "VirtualMachinePreference",
  "name": "cirros",
  "revisionName": "demo-updated-cirros-d08c3914-7d2b-43b4-a295-9cd3687bf151-2"
# #
# We can also stop and start the original VirtualMachine without changing the VirtualMachineInstance it spawns
./cluster-up/virtctl.sh stop demo &&  ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh wait vms/demo --for=condition=Ready=false
./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start demo &&  ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh wait vms/demo --for=condition=Ready
diff --color -u <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/demo -o json | jq .spec.template.spec) <( ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/demo -o json | jq .spec)
selecting docker as container runtime
VM demo was scheduled to stop
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo condition met
selecting docker as container runtime
Error starting VirtualMachine Operation cannot be fulfilled on virtualmachine.kubevirt.io "demo": VM is already running
selecting docker as container runtime
selecting docker as container runtime
--- /dev/fd/63	2022-08-03 13:38:51.291119408 +0100
+++ /dev/fd/62	2022-08-03 13:38:51.291119408 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,65 @@
   "domain": {
-    "devices": {},
+    "cpu": {
+      "cores": 1,
+      "model": "host-model",
+      "sockets": 2,
+      "threads": 1
+    },
+    "devices": {
+      "disks": [
+        {
+          "disk": {
+            "bus": "virtio"
+          },
+          "name": "containerdisk"
+        },
+        {
+          "disk": {
+            "bus": "virtio"
+          },
+          "name": "cloudinitdisk"
+        }
+      ],
+      "interfaces": [
+        {
+          "bridge": {},
+          "model": "virtio",
+          "name": "default"
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    "features": {
+      "acpi": {
+        "enabled": true
+      }
+    },
+    "firmware": {
+      "uuid": "c89d1344-ee03-5c55-99bd-5df16b72bea0"
+    },
     "machine": {
       "type": "q35"
-    "resources": {}
+    "memory": {
+      "guest": "128Mi"
+    },
+    "resources": {
+      "requests": {
+        "memory": "128Mi"
+      }
+    }
+  "networks": [
+    {
+      "name": "default",
+      "pod": {}
+    }
+  ],
   "volumes": [
       "containerDisk": {
-        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel"
+        "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel",
+        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
       "name": "containerdisk"
# #
# The ControllerRevisions are owned by the VirtualMachines, as such removal of the VirtualMachines now removes the ControllerRevisions
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get controllerrevisions
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh delete vms/demo vms/demo-updated vms/demo-cluster vms/demo-instancetype-user-preference
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get controllerrevisions
selecting docker as container runtime
NAME                                                                              CONTROLLER                                                     REVISION   AGE
demo-cirros-d08c3914-7d2b-43b4-a295-9cd3687bf151-1                                virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo                                0          2m51s
demo-cluster-cirros-cluster-1562ae69-8a4b-4a75-8507-e0da5041c5d2-1                virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-cluster                        0          2m10s
demo-cluster-small-cluster-20c0a541-e24f-47c1-a1d7-1151e981a69c-1                 virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-cluster                        0          2m10s
demo-instancetype-user-preference-cirros-d08c3914-7d2b-43b4-a295-9cd3687bf151-1   virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-instancetype-user-preference   0          98s
demo-instancetype-user-preference-small-4a28a2f3-fd34-421a-98d8-a2659f9a8eb7-1    virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-instancetype-user-preference   0          98s
demo-small-4a28a2f3-fd34-421a-98d8-a2659f9a8eb7-1                                 virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo                                0          2m51s
demo-updated-cirros-d08c3914-7d2b-43b4-a295-9cd3687bf151-2                        virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-updated                        0          41s
demo-updated-small-4a28a2f3-fd34-421a-98d8-a2659f9a8eb7-2                         virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-updated                        0          41s
local-volume-provisioner-55dcc65dc7                                               daemonset.apps/local-volume-provisioner                        1          3h32m
revision-start-vm-5786044a-c20b-41a4-bba3-c7744c624935-2                          virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-instancetype-user-preference   2          98s
revision-start-vm-a334ac37-aed4-4b98-b8b9-af819f54ffda-2                          virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-cluster                        2          2m10s
revision-start-vm-e67ad6ba-7792-40ab-9cd2-a411b6161971-2                          virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo                                2          2m51s
revision-start-vm-f19cf23d-0ad6-438b-a166-20879a704fa9-2                          virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/demo-updated                        2          41s
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io "demo" deleted
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io "demo-updated" deleted
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io "demo-cluster" deleted
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io "demo-instancetype-user-preference" deleted
selecting docker as container runtime
NAME                                  CONTROLLER                                REVISION   AGE
local-volume-provisioner-55dcc65dc7   daemonset.apps/local-volume-provisioner   1          3h32m

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KubeVirt instancetype.kubevirt.io Update #2

Welcome to part #2 of this series following the development of instancetypes and preferences within KubeVirt! Please note this is just a development journal of sorts, more formal documentation introducing and describing instancetypes will be forthcoming in the near future!

What’s new



If you haven’t already guessed from the title of this post the long awaited rename has landed, goodbye flavors and hello instancetypes!

The PR is unfortunately huge but did include an interesting upgrade problem the fix for which will require additional cleanup in a future release.

Versioning with ControllerRevisions


Versioning through ControllerRevisions has been introduced. As previously discussed the underlying VirtualMachineInstancetypeSpec or VirtualMachinePreferenceSpec are stored by the VirtualMachine controller in a ControllerRevision unique to the VirtualMachine being started. A reference to the ControllerRevision is then added to the VirtualMachine for future look ups with the VirtualMachine also itself referenced as an owner of these ControllerRevisions ensuring their removal when the VirtualMachine is deleted.

Bug fixes


VirtualMachine subresource APIs to expand VirtualMachineInstancetype


This PR will introduce new VirtualMachine subresource APIs to expand a referenced instancetype or set of preferences for an existing VirtualMachine or one provided by the caller.

Hopefully these APIs will be useful to users and fellow KubeVirt/OpenShift devs who want to validate or just present a fully rendered version of their VirtualMachine in some way.

It’s worth noting that during the development of this feature we encountered some interesting OpenAPI behaviour that took a while to debug and fix.

AutoattachInputDevice and PreferredAutoattachInputDevice


While working on a possible future migration of the common-templates project to using VirtualMachineInstancetypes and VirtualMachinePreferences it was noted that we had no way of automatically attaching an input device to a VirtualMachine.

This change introduces both a AutoattachInputDevice attribute to control this in a vanilla VirtualMachines and a PreferredAutoattachInputDevice preference to control this behaviour from within a set of preferences.

The PR includes a simple rework of the application of DevicePreferences, applying them before any of the Autoattach logic fires within the VirtualMachine controller. This allows the PreferredAutoattach preferences to control the Autoattach logic with the original application of preferences after this logic has fired ensuring any remaining preferences are also applied to any new devices.

VirtualMachineInstancePreset deprecation in favor of VirtualMachineInstancetype


This proposal still has to be raised formally with the community but as set out in the PR I’d like to start the deprecation cycle of VirtualMachineInstancePreset now as VirtualMachineInstancetype starts to mature as a replacement.

Making DomainSpec optional


Previous work has gone into removing the need to define Disks for all referenced Volumes within a VirtualMachineInstanceSpec and also ensuring preferences are applied correctly to the automatically added Disks.

The end goal for this work has been to make the entire DomainSpec within VirtualMachineInstanceSpec optional, hopefully simplifying our VirtualMachine definitions further when used in conjunction with instancetypes and preferences.

Revisit the removal of SharedInformers


The use of SharedInformers within the webhooks and VirtualMachine controller had proven problematic and their use was previously removed.

While no discernable performance impact has been seen thus far this change will likely be revisited again in the near future as many controllers appear to have a pattern of retrying failed lookups using SharedInformers with vanilla client calls.

Referenced VirtualMachineInstancetypes can be deleted before a VirtualMachine starts


The bug above covers a race with the current versioning implementation. This race allows a user to delete a referenced instancetype before the VirtualMachine referencing it has started, stashing a copy of the instancetype in a ControllerRevision. For example:

# ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f examples/csmall.yaml 
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/csmall created
# ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f examples/vm-cirros-csmall.yaml 
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/vm-cirros-csmall created
# ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh delete virtualmachineinstancetype/csmall
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io "csmall" deleted
# ./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start vm-cirros-csmall
Error starting VirtualMachine Internal error occurred: admission webhook "virtualmachine-validator.kubevirt.io" denied the request: Failure to find instancetype: virtualmachineinstancetypes.instancetype.kubevirt.io "csmall" not found

I believe we need one or more finalizers here ensuring that referenced instancetypes and preferences are not removed before they are stashed in a ControllerRevision.

An alternative to this would be to create ControllerRevisions within the VirtualMachine admission webhooks earlier in the lifecycle of a VirtualMachine. I had tried this originally but failed to successfully Patch the VirtualMachine with a reference back to the ControllerRevision, often seeing failures with the VirtualMachine controller attempting to reconcile the changes.

Moving the API to v1beta1

With the rename now complete and the future direction hopefully set out above I believe now is a good time to start looking into the graduation of the API itself from the experimental v1alpha1 stage to something more stable.

The Kubernetes API versioning documentation provides the following summary of the beta version:

  • The software is well tested. Enabling a feature is considered safe. Features are enabled by default.

  • The support for a feature will not be dropped, though the details may change.

  • The schema and/or semantics of objects may change in incompatible ways in a subsequent beta or stable release. When this happens, migration instructions are provided. Schema changes may require deleting, editing, and re-creating API objects. The editing process may not be straightforward. The migration may require downtime for applications that rely on the feature.

  • The software is not recommended for production uses. Subsequent releases may introduce incompatible changes. If you have multiple clusters which can be upgraded independently, you may be able to relax this restriction.

I believe the instancetype API can meet these criteria in the near future if it isn’t already and so I will be looking to start the process soon.

User-guide documentation

With the rename complete I have finally started drafting some upstream user-guide documentation that I hope to post in a PR soon.

Introductory kubevirt.io blog post(s)

Following on from the user-guide documentation I also plan on writing and publishing some material introducing instancetypes and preferences on the kubevirt.io blog.

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KubeVirt VirtualMachineFlavor Update #1

Much has changed since my last post introducing the VirtualMachine{Flavor,Preference} KubeVirt CRDs. In this post I’m going to touch on some of this, what’s coming next and provide a quick demo at the end.

What’s new

Introduction of VirtualMachine{ClusterPreference,Preference}



The two main PRs referenced by my previous post have landed, refactoring the initial code and introducing the VirtualMachine{ClusterPreference,Preference} CRDs to KubeVirt.

PreferredCPUTopology now defaults to PreferSockets


This was a trivial change as it was something the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook already defaults to if no topology is provided but a number of vCPUs are defined through resource requests.


func (mutator *VMIsMutator) setDefaultGuestCPUTopology(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) {
	cores := uint32(1)
	threads := uint32(1)
	sockets := uint32(1)
	vmiCPU := vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU
	if vmiCPU == nil || (vmiCPU.Cores == 0 && vmiCPU.Sockets == 0 && vmiCPU.Threads == 0) {
		// create cpu topology struct
		if vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU == nil {
			vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU = &v1.CPU{}
		//if cores, sockets, threads are not set, take value from domain resources request or limits and
		//set value into sockets, which have best performance (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1653453)
		resources := vmi.Spec.Domain.Resources
		if cpuLimit, ok := resources.Limits[k8sv1.ResourceCPU]; ok {
			sockets = uint32(cpuLimit.Value())
		} else if cpuRequests, ok := resources.Requests[k8sv1.ResourceCPU]; ok {
			sockets = uint32(cpuRequests.Value())

		vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU.Sockets = sockets
		vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU.Cores = cores
		vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU.Threads = threads

VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook application dropped


Lots of work went into this PR but ultimately the use cases around the direct use of the VirtualMachineInstance CRD by end users isn’t strong enough to justify the extra complexity introduced by it.

Default device preference application



With application of a flavor and preference no longer moving to the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook we now had ensure that all devices would be present by the time the existing application would happen within the VirtualMachine controller.

The above change moves and shares code from the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook that adds missing any missing Disks for listed Volumes and also adds a default Network and associated Interface if none are provided. This ensures that any preferences applied by the VirtualMachine controller to the VirtualMachineInstance object are also applied to these devices.

For example given the following VirtualMachinePreference that defines a preferredDiskBus and preferredInterfaceModel of virtio a VirtualMachine that doesn’t list any Disks or Interfaces will now have these preferences applied to the devices added during the creation of the VirtualMachineInstance. With these devices now being introduced by the VirtualMachine controller itself instead of the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook.

cat <<EOF | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
apiVersion: flavor.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachineFlavor
  name: small
    guest: 2
    guest: 128Mi
apiVersion: flavor.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: virtio
    preferredDiskBus: virtio
    preferredInterfaceModel: virtio
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: example
    kind: VirtualMachineFlavor
    name: small
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
    name: virtio
  running: false
        devices: {}
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
      - cloudInitNoCloud:
          userData: |

            echo 'printed from cloud-init userdata'            
        name: cloudinitdisk
$ ./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start example && ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh wait vms/example --for=condition=Ready
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/example -o json | jq .spec.domain.devices.disks
selecting docker as container runtime
    "disk": {
      "bus": "virtio"
    "name": "containerdisk"
    "disk": {
      "bus": "virtio"
    "name": "cloudinitdisk"
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/example -o json | jq .spec.domain.devices.interfaces
selecting docker as container runtime
    "bridge": {},
    "model": "virtio",
    "name": "default"

Removal of SharedInformers


I was alerted to issues around the use of SharedInformers within our API workers during the PR moving flavor application to the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook.

After this I started to notice the occasional CI failure both up and downstream that appeared to marry with the suggested symptoms. Either a recently created VirtualMachine{Flavor,Preference} object would not be seen by another worker or the generation of the object seen by the worker would be older than expected, leading to failures.

As such we decided to remove the use of SharedInformers for flavors and preferences, reverting back to straight client calls for retrieval instead. The impact of this change hasn’t been fully measured yet but is on our radar for the coming weeks to ensure performance isn’t impacted.

Upcoming changes

Versioning through ControllerRevisions


This is another large foundational PR making the entire concept usable by users in the real world. The current design is for ControllerRevisions containing the VirtualMachineFlavorSpec and VirtualMachinePreferenceSpec to be created after the initial application of a flavor and preference to a VirtualMachineInstance by the VirtualMachine controller are start time. A reference to these ControllerRevisions is then patched into the FlavorMatcher and PreferenceMatcher associated with the VirtualMachine and used to gather the specs in the future. Hopefully ensuring future restarts will continue to produce the same VirtualMachineInstance object.


I was not involved in the initial design and naming of the CRDs but after coming onboard it was quickly highlighted that while OpenStack uses Flavors all other public cloud providers use some form of Type object to contain their resource and performance characteristics. With that in mind we have agreed to rename the CRDs for KubeVirt.

VirtualMachineFlavor and VirtualMachineClusterFlavor will become VirtualMachineInstancetype and VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype.

This aligns us with the public cloud providers while making it clear that these CRDs relate to the VirtualMachineInstance. We couldn’t shorten this to VirtualMachineType anyway as that could easily clash with the MachineType term from QEMU that we already expose as part of our API.

VirtualMachinePreference and VirtualMachineClusterPreference will also become VirtualMachineInstancePreference and VirtualMachineInstanceClusterPreference.

How and when this happens is still up in the air but the current suggestion is that these new CRDs will live alongside the existing CRDs while we deprecate and eventually remove them from the project.

Design document updates

Between versioning and renaming there’s lots of change listed above and I do want to get back to the design document before this all lands.


As listed at the start, this demo is using an unmerged versioning PR https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/pull/7875.

The demo itself introduces the current CRDs, their basic behaviour, their interaction with default devices and finally their behaviour with the above versioning PR applied.

I was time limited in the downstream presentation I gave using this recording so please be aware it moves pretty quickly between topics. I’d highly recommend downloading the file and using asciinema to play it locally along with the spacebar to pause between commands.


Read More

Simplifying KubeVirt's `VirtualMachine` UX with Flavors and Preferences


The following is based on an active Design Proposal, an initial foundational PR and complete DNM/WIP series PR enhancing the existing Flavors API and introducing Preferences. Reviews are very much welcome on all of these PRs!


A common pattern for IaaS is to have abstractions separating the resource sizing and performance of a workload from the user defined values related to launching their custom application. This pattern is evident across all the major cloud providers (also known as hyperscalers) as well as open source IaaS projects like OpenStack. AWS has instance types, GCP has machine types, Azure has instance VM sizes and OpenStack has flavors.

Let’s take AWS for example to help visualize what this abstraction enables. Launching an EC2 instance only requires a few top level arguments, the disk image, instance type, keypair, security group, and subnet:

$ aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-xxxxxxxx \
                        --count 1 \
                        --instance-type c4.xlarge \
                        --key-name MyKeyPair \
                        --security-group-ids sg-903004f8 \
                        --subnet-id subnet-6e7f829e

When creating the EC2 instance the user doesn’t define the amount of resources, what processor to use, how to optimize the performance of the instance, or what hardware to schedule the instance on. Instead all of that information is wrapped up in that single --instance-type c4.xlarge CLI argument. c4 denoting a specific performance profile version, in this case from the Compute Optimized family and xlarge denoting a specific amount of compute resources provided by the instance type, in this case 4 vCPUs, 7.5 GiB of RAM, 750 Mbps EBS bandwidth etc.

While hyperscalers can provide predefined types with performance profiles and compute resources already assigned IaaS and virtualization projects such as OpenStack and KubeVirt can only provide the raw abstractions for operators, admins and even vendors to then create instances of these abstractions specific to each deployment.

KubeVirt’s VirtualMachine API contains many advanced options for tuning a virtual machine performance that goes beyond what typical users need to be aware of. Users are unable to simply define the storage/network they want assigned to their VM and then declare in broad terms what quality of resources and kind of performance they need for their VM.

Instead, the user has to be keenly aware how to request specific compute resources alongside all of the performance tunings available on the VirtualMachine API and how those tunings impact their guest’s operating system in order to get a desired result.

The partially implemented and currently v1alpha1 Virtual Machine Flavors API was an attempt to provide operators and users with a mechanism to define resource buckets that could be used during VM creation. At present this implementation provides a cluster-wide VirtualMachineClusterFlavor and a namespaced VirtualMachineFlavor CRDs. Each containing an array of VirtualMachineFlavorProfile that at present only encapsulates CPU resources by applying a full copy of the CPU type to the VirtualMachineInstance at runtime.

This approach has a few pitfalls such as using embedded profiles within the CRDs, relying on the user to select the correct Flavor or VirtualMachineFlavorProfile that will allow their workload to run correctly, not allowing a user to override some viable attributes at runtime etc.

VirtualMachineFlavor refactor

As suggested in the title of this blog post, the ultimate goal of the Design Proposal is to provide the end user with a simple set of choices when defining a VirtualMachine within KubeVirt. We want to limit this to a flavor, optional set of preferences, volumes for storage and networks for connectivity.

To achieve this the existing VirtualMachineFlavor CRDs will be heavily modified and extended to better encapsulate resource, performance or schedulable attributes of a VM.

This will include the removal of the embedded VirtualMachineFlavorProfile type within the CRDs, this will be replaced with a singular VirtualMachineFlavorSpec type per flavor. The decision to remove VirtualMachineFlavorProfile has been made as the concept isn’t prevalent within the wider Kubernetes ecosystem and could be confusing to end users. Instead users looking to avoid duplication when defining flavors will be directed to use tools such as kustomize to generate their flavors. This tooling is already commonly used when defining resources within Kubernetes and should afford users plenty of flexibility when defining their flavors either statically or as part of a larger GitOps based workflow.

VirtualMachineFlavorSpec will also include elements of CPU, Devices, HostDevices, GPUs, Memory and LaunchSecurity defined fully below. Users will be unable to override any aspect of the flavor (for example, vCPU count or amount of Memory) within the VirtualMachine itself, any attempt to do so resulting in the VirtualMachine being rejected.

Introduction of VirtualMachinePreference

A new set of VirtualMachinePreference CRDs will then be introduced to define any remaining attributes related to ensuring the selected guestOS can run. As the name suggests the VirtualMachinePreference CRDs will only define preferences, so unlike a flavor if a preference conflicts with something user defined within the VirtualMachine it will be ignored. For example, if a user selects a VirtualMachinePreference that requests a preferredDiskBus of virtio but then sets a disk bus of SATA for one or more disk devices within the VirtualMachine the supplied preferredDiskBus preference will not be applied to these disks. Any remaining disks that do not have a disk bus defined will however use the preferredDiskBus preference of virtio.

The Design Proposal contains a complete break down of where each VirtualMachineInstanceSpec attribute will reside, if at all, in this new approach.

Versioning (TBD)

Versioning of these CRDs is key to ensure VirtualMachine and VirtualMachineInstance remain unchanged even with modifications to an associated Flavor or Preference.

This is currently missing from the Design Proposal but is being worked on and will be incorporated shortly.

What else?

The current Design Proposal does list some useful ideas as non-goals for the initial implementation, these include:

All of which should be revisited before the Flavor API graduates from Alpha.



I’ve created an example repo (many thanks to @fabiand for starting this) using kustomize to generate various classes and sizes of flavors alongside preferences.

$ KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER=k8s-1.23 ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f ../vmdefs/example.yaml 
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/c.large created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/c.medium created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/c.small created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/c.xlarge created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/c.xsmall created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/g.medium created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/g.xlarge created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/g.xsmall created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/m.large created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/m.medium created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/m.small created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/m.xlarge created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/m.xsmall created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/r.large created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/r.medium created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/r.xlarge created
virtualmachineflavor.flavor.kubevirt.io/r.xsmall created
virtualmachinepreference.flavor.kubevirt.io/linux.cirros created
virtualmachinepreference.flavor.kubevirt.io/linux.fedora created
virtualmachinepreference.flavor.kubevirt.io/linux.rhel9 created
virtualmachinepreference.flavor.kubevirt.io/windows.windows10 created

$ cat ../vmdefs/example.yaml
apiVersion: flavor.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachineFlavor
  name: m.xsmall
    guest: 1
    guest: 512M
apiVersion: flavor.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: linux.cirros
    preferredCdromBus: virtio
    preferredDiskBus: virtio
    preferredRng: {}

$ cat ../vmdefs/cirros.yaml
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
    kubevirt.io/vm: cirros
  name: cirros
    name: m.xsmall
    kind: VirtualMachineFlavor
    name: linux.cirros
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  running: false
        kubevirt.io/vm: cirros
          - disk:
            name: containerdisk
          - disk:
            name: cloudinitdisk
        resources: {}
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
      - cloudInitNoCloud:
          userData: |

            echo 'printed from cloud-init userdata'
        name: cloudinitdisk

$ KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER=k8s-1.23 ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f ../vmdefs/cirros.yaml 
selecting docker as container runtime
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/cirros created

$ KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER=k8s-1.23 ./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start cirros
selecting docker as container runtime
VM cirros was scheduled to start

$ KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER=k8s-1.23 ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis
selecting docker as container runtime
NAME     AGE   PHASE     IP               NODENAME   READY
cirros   9s    Running   node01     True

$ diff <(KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER=k8s-1.23 ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vms/cirros -o json | jq --sort-keys .spec.template.spec) <(KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER=k8s-1.23 ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/cirros -o json | jq --sort-keys .spec)
selecting docker as container runtime
selecting docker as container runtime
>     "cpu": {
>       "cores": 1,
>       "model": "host-model",
>       "sockets": 1,
>       "threads": 1
>     },
>           "disk": {
>             "bus": "virtio"
>           },
>           "disk": {
>             "bus": "virtio"
>           },
<       ]
>       ],
>       "interfaces": [
>         {
>           "bridge": {},
>           "name": "default"
>         }
>       ],
>       "rng": {}
>     },
>     "features": {
>       "acpi": {
>         "enabled": true
>       }
>     },
>     "firmware": {
>       "uuid": "6784d43b-39fb-5ee7-8c17-ef10c49af985"
<     "resources": {}
>     "memory": {
>       "guest": "512M"
>     },
>     "resources": {
>       "requests": {
>         "memory": "512M"
>       }
>     }
>   "networks": [
>     {
>       "name": "default",
>       "pod": {}
>     }
>   ],
<         "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel"
>         "image": "registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel",
>         "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"


Below is a basic example taken from the Design Proposal that defines a single VirtualMachineFlavor and VirtualMachinePreference to simplify the creation of Windows based VirtualMachine and later once started a VirtualMachineInstance:


apiVersion: flavor.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachineFlavor
  name: clarge
    guest: 4
    guest: 8Gi


apiVersion: flavor.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: Windows
      utc: {}
        present: false
      hyperv: {}
        tickPolicy: delay
        tickPolicy: catchup
    preferredCPUTopology: preferSockets
    preferredDiskBus: sata
    preferredInterfaceModel: e1000
    preferredTPM: {}
    preferredAcpi: {}
    preferredApic: {}
      relaxed: {}
        spinlocks: 8191
      vapic: {}
    preferredSmm: {}
    preferredUseEfi: true
    preferredUseSecureBoot: true


apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
    kubevirt.io/vm: vm-windows-clarge-windows
  name: vm-windows-clarge-windows
    kind: VirtualMachineFlavor
    name: clarge
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
    name: Windows
  running: false
        kubevirt.io/vm: vm-windows-clarge-windows
          - disk: {}
            name: containerdisk
        resources: {}
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/windows-disk:devel
        name: containerdisk


apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachineInstance
    kubevirt.io/flavor-name: clarge
    kubevirt.io/latest-observed-api-version: v1
    kubevirt.io/preference-name: Windows
    kubevirt.io/storage-observed-api-version: v1alpha3
  creationTimestamp: "2022-04-19T10:51:53Z"
  - kubevirt.io/virtualMachineControllerFinalize
  - foregroundDeleteVirtualMachine
  generation: 9
    kubevirt.io/nodeName: node01
    kubevirt.io/vm: vm-windows-clarge-windows
  name: vm-windows-clarge-windows
  namespace: default
  - apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: VirtualMachine
    name: vm-windows-clarge-windows
    uid: 8974d1e6-5f41-4486-996a-84cd6ebb3b37
  resourceVersion: "8052"
  uid: 369e9a17-8eca-47cc-91c2-c8f12e0f6f9f
          present: false
          present: true
          present: true
          tickPolicy: delay
          present: true
          tickPolicy: catchup
      utc: {}
      cores: 1
      model: host-model
      sockets: 4
      threads: 1
      - disk:
          bus: sata
        name: containerdisk
      - bridge: {}
        name: default
      tpm: {}
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
          enabled: true
          enabled: true
          spinlocks: 8191
          enabled: true
        enabled: true
          secureBoot: true
      uuid: bc694b87-1373-5514-9694-0f495fbae3b2
      type: q35
      guest: 8Gi
        memory: 8Gi
  - name: default
    pod: {}
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
  - containerDisk:
      image: registry:5000/kubevirt/windows-disk:devel
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    name: containerdisk
    557c7fef-04b2-47c1-880b-396da944a7d3: node01
  - lastProbeTime: null
    lastTransitionTime: "2022-04-19T10:51:57Z"
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  - lastProbeTime: null
    lastTransitionTime: null
    message: cannot migrate VMI which does not use masquerade to connect to the pod
    reason: InterfaceNotLiveMigratable
    status: "False"
    type: LiveMigratable
  guestOSInfo: {}
  - infoSource: domain
    - fd10:244::c494
    mac: 66:f7:21:4e:d9:30
    name: default
  launcherContainerImageVersion: registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-launcher@sha256:40b2036eae39776560a73263198ff42ffd6a8f09c9aa208f8bbdc91ec35b42cf
  migrationMethod: BlockMigration
  migrationTransport: Unix
  nodeName: node01
  phase: Running
  - phase: Pending
    phaseTransitionTimestamp: "2022-04-19T10:51:53Z"
  - phase: Scheduling
    phaseTransitionTimestamp: "2022-04-19T10:51:53Z"
  - phase: Scheduled
    phaseTransitionTimestamp: "2022-04-19T10:51:57Z"
  - phase: Running
    phaseTransitionTimestamp: "2022-04-19T10:51:59Z"
  qosClass: Burstable
  runtimeUser: 0
  virtualMachineRevisionName: revision-start-vm-8974d1e6-5f41-4486-996a-84cd6ebb3b37-2
  - name: cloudinitdisk
    size: 1048576
    target: sdb

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File sharing over https with Caddy and Podman

Randomly this week I’ve found myself needing to share a local build of Cirros with a simple but unreleased fix included to unblock some testing upstream in OpenStack Nova’s CI.

I’ll admit that it has been a while since I’ve had to personally run any kind of web service (this blog and versions before it being hosted on Gitlab and Github pages) and so I didn’t really know where to start.

I knew that I wanted something that was both containerised and able to automatically sort out letsencrypt certs so I could serve the build over https. After trying and failing to get anywhere with the default httpd and nginx container images I gave up and asked around on Twitter.

Shortly after a friend recommended Caddy an Apache 2.0 web server written in Go with automatic https configuration, exactly what I was after.

As I said before I wanted a containerised web service to run on my Fedora based VPS, ensuring I didn’t end up with a full service running directly on the host that would be a pain to remove later. Thankfully Caddy has an offical image on DockerHub I could pull and use with Podman, the daemonless container engine and Docker replacement on Fedora.

Now it is possible to run podman containers under a non-root user but as I wanted to run the service under ports 80 and 443 I had to launch the container using root. In theory you could adjust your host config to allow non-root users to create ports below 1024 via net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=$start_port or just use higher ports to avoid this but I don’t mind running the service as root given the files are being shared via a read-only volume anyway.

To launch Caddy I used the following commands, obviously with podman already installed and configured.

$ sudo mkdir /run/caddy_data
$ sudo podman run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
                     -v $PATH_TO_SHARE:/srv:ro \
                     -v /run/caddy_data:/data \
                     --name caddy \
                     docker.io/library/caddy:latest \
                     caddy file-server --domain $domain --browse --root /srv 
$ sudo podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                           COMMAND               CREATED       STATUS           PORTS                                     NAMES
65f82d224dde  docker.io/library/caddy:latest  caddy file-server...  35 hours ago  Up 35 hours ago>80/tcp,>443/tcp  caddy

To ensure the service remained active I also created a systemd service.

$ sudo podman generate systemd -n caddy > /etc/systemd/system/container-caddy.service

Note that at the time of writing on Fedora 33 you need to workaround Podman issue #8369, replacing the use of /var/run with /run.

$ sudo sed -i 's/\/var\/run/\/run/g' container-caddy.service

Once that’s done you can enable and start the service just like any other systemd service.

$ sudo systemctl enable container-caddy.service
$ sudo systemctl start container-caddy.service
$ sudo systemctl status container-caddy.service
● container-caddy.service - Podman container-caddy.service
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/container-caddy.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-03-05 08:38:32 GMT; 9min ago
       Docs: man:podman-generate-systemd(1)
    Process: 232308 ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman start caddy (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 230641 (conmon)
      Tasks: 0 (limit: 9496)
     Memory: 892.0K
        CPU: 129ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/container-caddy.service
             ‣ 230641 /usr/bin/conmon --api-version 1 -c 65f82d224dde0ba6342ac4e1b2e9b61d26d2f7efe887fb08b18632cf849a1ace -u 65f82d224dde0ba6342a>

Mar 05 08:38:32 $domain systemd[1]: Starting Podman container-caddy.service...
Mar 05 08:38:32 $domain systemd[1]: Started Podman container-caddy.service.

As we used the --browse flag when launching Caddy you should now find a simple index page listing your files.

That’s it, simple, fast and hopefully easy to cleanup when I no longer need to share these files. Maybe I should ask for suggestions on Twitter more often!

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OpenStack Nova Block Device Mapping Data Structures

Block Device Mapping?

Block Device Mapping(s)(BDMs) define how block devices are exposed to an instance by Nova. At present Nova accepts and stores data relating to these mappings in various ways across the codebase often leading to the five stages of grief being experienced by anyone unlucky enough to come into contact with them.

The user facing format while awkward and unforgiving is pretty well documented both in the API reference guide and project user documentation. The internal data structures used by the nova.computeand nova.virt layers are not however well documented outside of some limited code comments.

The following post is taken from a OpenStack Nova reference document I’m currently working on to correct this. This is based on an email sent by my colleague Matthew Booth almost 5 years ago now but is still as relevant today as it was then.

I’m personally working on this document and posting this blog post now as I plan to spend the rest of the OpenStack Wallaby cycle working on adding flavor and image defined ephemeral storage encryption support into the libvirt driver. As part of this work I’ve had to dive into some of these data structures again and wanted to document things ahead of any changes required by this work. I also guess it has been a while since I posted anything of value on this blog so what the hell.

I’ll aim to keep this post updated over the coming weeks and will add a reference to the published document once merged.



The top level data structure is the nova.objects.block_device.BlockDeviceMapping(BDM) object. It is a NovaObject, persisted in the db. Current code creates a BDM object for every disk associated with an instance, whether it is a volume or not.

The BDM object describes properties of each disk as specified by the user. It is initially from a user request, for more details on the format of these requests please see the Block Device Mapping in Nova document.

The Compute API transforms and consolidates all BDMs to ensure that all disks, explicit or implicit, have a BDM, then persists them. Look in nova.objects.block_device for all BDM fields, but in essence they contain information like (source_type=‘image’, destination_type=‘local’, image_id=’<image uuid’>), or equivalents describing ephemeral disks, swap disks or volumes, and some associated data.


BDM objects are typically stored in variables called bdm with lists in bdms, although this is obviously not guaranteed (and unfortunately not always true: bdm in libvirt.block_device is usually a DriverBlockDevice object). This is a useful reading aid (except when it’s proactively confounding), as there is also something else typically called ‘block_device_mapping’ which is not a BlockDeviceMapping object.


Drivers do not directly use BDM objects. Instead, they are transformed into a different driver-specific representation. This representation is normally called block_device_info, and is generated by virt.driver.get_block_device_info(). Its output is based on data in BDMs. block_device_info is a dict containing:

    'root_device_name': hypervisor's notion of the root device's name
    'ephemerals': A list of all ephemeral disks
    'block_device_mapping': A list of all cinder volumes
    'swap': A swap disk, or None if there is no swap disk

The disks are represented in one of 2 ways, which depends on the specific driver currently in use. There’s the ’new’ representation, used by the libvirt and vmwareAPI drivers, and the ’legacy’ representation used by all other drivers. The legacy representation is a plain dict. It does not contain the same information as the new representation.

The new representation involves subclasses of nova.block_device.DriverBlockDevice. As well as containing different fields, the new representation significantly also retains a reference to the underlying BDM object. This means that by manipulating the DriverBlockDevice object, the driver is able to persist data to the BDM object in the db.


Common usage is to pull block_device_mapping out of this dict into a variable called block_device_mapping. This is not a BlockDeviceMapping object, or list of them.


If block_device_info was passed to the driver by compute manager, it was probably generated by _get_instance_block_device_info(). By default, this function filters out all cinder volumes from block_device_mapping which don’t currently have connection_info. In other contexts this filtering will not have happened, and block_device_mapping will contain all volumes.


Unlike BDMs, block_device_info does not currently represent all disks that an instance might have. Significantly, it will not contain any representation of an image-backed local disk, i.e. the root disk of a typical instance which isn’t boot-from-volume. Other representations used by the libvirt driver explicitly reconstruct this missing disk.



The virt driver API defines a method get_instance_disk_info, which returns a JSON blob. The compute manager calls this and passes the data over RPC between calls without ever looking at it. This is driver-specific opaque data. It is also only used by the libvirt driver, despite being part of the API for all drivers. Other drivers do not return any data. The most interesting aspect of instance_disk_info is that it is generated from the libvirt XML, not from nova’s state.

.. note:: instance_disk_info is often named disk_info in code, which is unfortunate as this clashes with the normal naming of the next structure. Occasionally the two are used in the same block of code.

instance_disk_info is a list of dicts for some of an instance’s disks.

.. note:: rbd disks (including non-volume disks) and cinder volumes are not included in instance_disk_info.

Each dicts contains the following:

    'type': libvirt's notion of the disk's type
    'path': libvirt's notion of the disk's path
    'virt_disk_size': The disk's virtual size in bytes (the size the guest OS sees)
    'backing_file': libvirt's notion of the backing file path
    'disk_size': The file size of path, in bytes.
    'over_committed_disk_size': As-yet-unallocated disk size, in bytes.


.. note:: As opposed to instance_disk_info, which is frequently called disk_info.

This data structure is actually described pretty well in the comment block at the top of nova.virt.libvirt.blockinfo. It is internal to the libvirt driver. It contains:

    'disk_bus': the default bus used by disks
    'cdrom_bus': the default bus used by cdrom drives
    'mapping': defined below

mapping is a dict which maps disk names to a dict describing how that disk should be passed to libvirt. This mapping contains every disk connected to the instance, both local and volumes.

First, a note on disk naming. Local disk names used by the libvirt driver are well defined. They are:

  • disk: The root disk
  • disk.local: The flavor-defined ephemeral disk
  • disk.ephX: Where X is a zero-based index for BDM defined ephemeral disks
  • disk.swap: The swap disk
  • disk.config: The config disk

These names are hardcoded, reliable, and used in lots of places.

In disk_info, volumes are keyed by device name, eg ‘vda’, ‘vdb’. Different buses will be named differently, approximately according to legacy Linux device naming.

Additionally, disk_info will contain a mapping for ‘root’, which is the root disk. This will duplicate one of the other entries, either ‘disk’ or a volume mapping.

Each dict within the mapping dict contains the following 3 required fields of bus, dev and type with two optional fields of format and boot_index

    'bus': the guest bus type ('ide', 'virtio', 'scsi', etc)
    'dev': the device name 'vda', 'hdc', 'sdf', 'xvde' etc
    'type': type of device eg 'disk', 'cdrom', 'floppy'
    'format': Which format to apply to the device if applicable
    'boot_index': Number designating the boot order of the device


BlockDeviceMapping and DriverBlockDevice store boot index zero-based. However, libvirt’s boot index is 1-based, so the value stored here is 1-based.

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Openstack Nova Victoria Cycle Gerrit Dashboards

As in previous cycles I’ve updated some of the Nova specific dashboards available within the excellent gerrit-dash-creator project and started using them prior to dropping offline on paternity.

I’d really like to see more use of these dashboards within Nova to help focus our limited review bandwidth on active and mergeable changes so if you do have any ideas please fire off reviews and add me in!

For now I’ve linked to some of the dashboards I’ve been using most often below with a brief summary and dump of the current .dash logic used by the gerrit-dash-creator tooling to build the Gerrit dashboard URLs.


The openstack/nova-specs repo contains Nova design specifications associated with both the previous and current development release. This dashboard specifically targets the current development release as we should only see reviews landing in gerrit referring to this release at present.

title = Nova Specs - Victoria
description = Review Inbox
foreach = project:openstack/nova-specs status:open NOT label:Workflow<=-1 branch:master NOT owner:self

[section "You are a reviewer, but haven't voted in the current revision"]
query = file:^specs/victoria/.* NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,self NOT label:Code-Review>=1,self reviewer:self label:Verified>=1,zuul

[section "Not blocked by -2s"]
query = file:^specs/victoria/.* NOT label:Code-Review<=-2 NOT label:Code-Review>=2 NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,self NOT label:Code-Review>=1,self label:Verified>=1,zuul

[section "No votes and spec is > 1 week old"]
query = file:^specs/victoria/.* NOT label:Code-Review>=-2 age:7d label:Verified>=1,zuul

[section "Needs final +2"]
query = file:^specs/victoria/.* label:Code-Review>=2 NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,self NOT label:Code-Review>=1,self label:Verified>=1,zuul  NOT label:workflow>=1

[section "Broken Specs (doesn't pass Zuul)"]
query = file:^specs/victoria/.* label:Verified<=-1,zuul

[section "Dead Specs (blocked by a -2)"]
query = file:^specs/victoria/.* label:Code-Review<=-2

[section "Dead Specs (Not Proposed for Victoria)"]
query = NOT file:^specs/victoria/.* file:^specs/.*

[section "Not Specs (tox.ini etc)"]
query = NOT file:^specs/.*


I introduced this dashboard after the creation of the libvirt subteam recently during the U cycle. As you can see from the foreach filter the dashboard only lists changes touching the standard set of libvirt driver related files within the openstack/nova codebase. IMHO I think a dashboard for non-libvirt drivers would also be useful.

title = Nova Libvirt Driver Review Inbox
description = Review Inbox for the Nova Libvirt Driver
foreach =  project:openstack/nova 
           NOT owner:self
           NOT label:Workflow<=-1
           NOT reviewedby:self
           (file:^nova/virt/libvirt/.* OR file:^nova/tests/unit/libvirt/.* OR file:^nova/tests/functional/libvirt/.*)

[section "Small patches"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2,self NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,nova-core NOT message:"DNM" delta:<=10

[section "Needs final +2"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2,self label:Code-Review>=2 limit:50 NOT label:workflow>=1

[section "Bug fix, Passed Zuul, No Negative Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2,self NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,nova-core message:"bug: " limit:50

[section "Wayward Changes (Changes with no code review in the last two days)"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1 NOT label:Code-Review>=1 age:2d limit:50

[section "Needs feedback (Changes older than 5 days that have not been reviewed by anyone)"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1 NOT label:Code-Review>=1 age:5d limit:50

[section "Passed Zuul, No Negative Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2 NOT label:Code-Review<=-1 limit:50

[section "Needs revisit (You were a reviewer but haven't voted in the current revision)"]
query = reviewer:self limit:50


I have been a Nova Stable Core for a few years now and during the time I have relied heavily on Gerrit dashboards and queries to help keep track of changes as they move through our many stable branches. This has been made slightly more complex by the introduction of extended-maintenance branches but more on that below. For now this dashboard covers the ussuri, train and stein stable branches.

I’m currently using the by branch Nova stable dashboards as these allow me to track changes through each required branch easily without any additional clicking within Gerrit. There is however an allinone dashboard if you prefer that approach.

Finally, for anyone paying attention you might have noticed I’m also using a nova-merged query in Gerrit to track recently merged changes into master. This has helped me catch and proactively backport useful fixes to stable many times.

title = Nova Stable Maintenance Review Inbox
description = Review Inbox
foreach = (project:openstack/nova OR project:openstack/python-novaclient) status:open NOT owner:self NOT label:Workflow<=-1 label:Verified>=1,zuul NOT reviewedby:self

[section " stable/ussuri You are a reviewer, but haven't voted in the current revision"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,self NOT label:Code-Review>=1,self reviewer:self branch:stable/ussuri

[section "stable/ussuri Needs final +2"]
query = label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 NOT label:workflow>=1 branch:stable/ussuri

[section "stable/ussuri Passed Zuul, No Negative Core Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 branch:stable/ussuri

[section " stable/train You are a reviewer, but haven't voted in the current revision"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,self NOT label:Code-Review>=1,self reviewer:self branch:stable/train

[section "stable/train Needs final +2"]
query = label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 NOT label:workflow>=1 branch:stable/train

[section "stable/train Passed Zuul, No Negative Core Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 branch:stable/train

[section " stable/stein You are a reviewer, but haven't voted in the current revision"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,self NOT label:Code-Review>=1,self reviewer:self branch:stable/stein

[section "stable/stein Needs final +2"]
query = label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 NOT label:workflow>=1 branch:stable/stein

[section "stable/stein Passed Zuul, No Negative Core Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 branch:stable/stein


In addition to the nova-stable dashboard above I also have a dashboard for our extended-maintenance branches. At present these are (or are about to be) rocky, queens and pike.

title = Nova Extended Maintenance Review Inbox
description = Review Inbox
foreach = (project:openstack/nova OR project:openstack/python-novaclient) status:open NOT owner:self NOT label:Workflow<=-1 label:Verified>=1,zuul NOT reviewedby:self

[section " stable/rocky You are a reviewer, but haven't voted in the current revision"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,self NOT label:Code-Review>=1,self reviewer:self branch:stable/rocky

[section "stable/rocky Needs final +2"]
query = label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 NOT label:workflow>=1 branch:stable/rocky

[section "stable/rocky Passed Zuul, No Negative Core Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 branch:stable/rocky

[section " stable/queens You are a reviewer, but haven't voted in the current revision"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,self NOT label:Code-Review>=1,self reviewer:self branch:stable/queens

[section "stable/queens Needs final +2"]
query = label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 NOT label:workflow>=1 branch:stable/queens

[section "stable/queens Passed Zuul, No Negative Core Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 branch:stable/queens

[section " stable/pike You are a reviewer, but haven't voted in the current revision"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review<=-1,self NOT label:Code-Review>=1,self reviewer:self branch:stable/pike

[section "stable/pike Needs final +2"]
query = label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 NOT label:workflow>=1 branch:stable/pike

[section "stable/pike Passed Zuul, No Negative Core Feedback"]
query = NOT label:Code-Review>=2 NOT(reviewerin:stable-maint-core label:Code-Review<=-1) limit:50 branch:stable/pike

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