KubeVirt instancetype.kubevirt.io Update #5

Apologies for the lack of updates recently, see my recent post covering why!

Welcome to part #5 of this series following the development of instance types and preferences within KubeVirt!

Note that the following is based on the v1.0.0-rc.0 release of KubeVirt but will be updated with the full release of v1.0.0 in July!


Feedback is always welcome through the upstream mailing list of kubevirt-dev, upstream Slack channel #kubevirt-dev or directly to me via lyarwood at redhat dot com.

Please also feel free to file bugs or enhancements against https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/issues (or the relevant sub-project) using the /area instancetype command to label these for review and triage!

What’s new



A new version of the API and CRDs has landed ahead of the upcoming v1.0.0 release of KubeVirt.

Amongst other things new version introduces a single new instance type attribute:

As the name suggests this can be used to control memory overcommit as a percentage within an instance type.

# Creating an instance type with an overcommitPercent of 15%
$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtualMachineInstancetype
  name: overcommit
    guest: 1
    guest: 128Mi
    overcommitPercent: 15

# Creating a simple VirtualMachine (that auto starts) using this VirtualMachineInstancetype
$ virtctl create vm --instancetype virtualmachineinstancetype/overcommit \
  --volume-containerdisk name:cirros,src:registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel \
  --name cirros | kubectl apply -f -

# We can see that the VirtualMachineInstance is exposing `128Mi` of memory 
# to the guest but is only requesting `114085072` or ~`108Mi`
$ kubectl get vmi/cirros -o json | jq .spec.domain.memory,.spec.domain.resources
  "guest": "128Mi"
  "requests": {
    "memory": "114085072"

The following hopefully self-explanatory preference attributes have also been introduced:

Resource Requirements

In addition to the above standalone preference attributes a new Spec.Requirements attribute and feature has been added. At present this can encapsulate the minimum CPU and Memory requirements for the preference that need to be provided by the underlying VirtualMachine or associated VirtualMachine{ClusterInstancetype,Instancetype}.

$ kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtualMachineInstancetype
  name: csmall
    guest: 1
    guest: 128Mi
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: cirros
    preferredDiskBus: virtio
      guest: 1
      guest: 512Mi
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: vm-cirros-csmall
    kind: VirtualMachineInstancetype
    name: csmall
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
    name: cirros
  running: false
        devices: {}
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
virtualmachineinstancetype.instancetype.kubevirt.io/csmall created
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/cirros created
The request is invalid: spec.instancetype: failure checking preference requirements: insufficient Memory resources of 128Mi provided by instance type, preference requires 512Mi

$ kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: cirros
    preferredCPUTopology: preferCores
      guest: 2
      guest: 128Mi
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: vm-cirros
  running: false
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
    name: cirros
          sockets: 2
          - disk:
              bus: virtio
            name: containerdisk
            memory: 128Mi
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
virtualmachinepreference.instancetype.kubevirt.io/cirros unchanged
The request is invalid: spec.template.spec.domain.cpu.cores: failure checking preference requirements: insufficient CPU resources of 0 vCPU provided by VirtualMachine, preference requires 2 vCPU provided as cores

instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha{1,2} deprecation

With the introduction of instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1 the older instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha{1,2} versions have been deprecated ahead of removal in a future release (likely KubeVirt >= v1.2.0).

As with the recent deprecation of the kubevirt.io/v1alpha3 any users of these older instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha{1,2} versions are recommend to use the kube-storage-version-migrator tool to migrate the stored version of these objects to instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1. For operators of OKD/OCP environments this tool is provided through the cluster-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator.

Work to migrate ControllerRevisions containing older instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha{1,2} objects will be undertaken during the v1.1.0 release of KubeVirt and can be tracked below:

Implement a conversion strategy for instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha{1,2} objects stored in ControllerRevisions to instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1 https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/issues/9909

virtctl image-upload


The virtctl image-upload command has been extended with two new switches to label the resulting DataVolume or PVC with a default instance type and preference.

# Upload a CirrOS image using a DataVolume and label it with a default instance type and preference
$ virtctl image-upload dv cirros --size=1Gi \
  --default-instancetype n1.medium \
  --default-preference cirros \
  --force-bind \

# Check that the resulting DV and PVC have been labelled correctly
$ kubectl get dv/cirros -o json | jq .metadata.labels
  "instancetype.kubevirt.io/default-instancetype": "n1.medium",
  "instancetype.kubevirt.io/default-preference": "cirros"
$ kubectl get pvc/cirros -o json | jq .metadata.labels
  "app": "containerized-data-importer",
  "app.kubernetes.io/component": "storage",
  "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "cdi-controller",
  "instancetype.kubevirt.io/default-instancetype": "n1.medium",
  "instancetype.kubevirt.io/default-preference": "cirros"

# Use virtctl to create a VirtualMachine manifest using the inferFromVolume option for the instance type and preference
$ virtctl create vm --volume-pvc=name:cirros,src:cirros \
  --infer-instancetype \
  --infer-preference \
  --name cirros | yq .
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: cirros
    inferFromVolume: cirros
    inferFromVolume: cirros
  runStrategy: Always
      creationTimestamp: null
        devices: {}
        resources: {}
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 180
        - name: cirros
            claimName: cirros
status: {}

# Pass the manifest to kubectl and then check that the resulting instance type and prefrence matchers have been expanded correctly
$ virtctl create vm --volume-pvc=name:cirros,src:cirros \
  --infer-instancetype \
  --infer-preference \
  --name cirros | kubectl apply -f -
virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/cirros created

$ kubectl get vms/cirros -o json | jq '.spec.instancetype,.spec.preference'
  "kind": "virtualmachineclusterinstancetype",
  "name": "n1.medium",
  "revisionName": "cirros-n1.medium-1cbceb96-2771-497b-a4b7-7cad6742b385-1"
  "kind": "virtualmachineclusterpreference",
  "name": "cirros",
  "revisionName": "cirros-cirros-efc9aeac-05df-4034-aa82-45817ca0b6dc-1"

Bug fixes


A number of related core kubevirt.io and specific instancetype.kubevirt.io bugs were resolved as part of the upcoming KubeVirt v1.0.0 release, these include:


This was caused by shared validation logic between the VirtualMachine and VirtualMachineInstance webhooks without shared defaulting also being in place. Resulting in valid VirtualMachines being rejected while being perfectly valid.

The fix allowed us to drop the need for modelling resource requests within instance types entirely and focus instead on the guest visible resources as per the original design.


This bug allowed a user to mutate the name of an {Instancetype,Preference}Matcher even when a revisionName was present. This would have no impact on the VirtualMachine or running VirtualMachineInstance until the revisionName was dropped, only then causing a copy of the newly referenced resource to be stashed in a ControllerRevision and used.

The fix was to reject such requests and ensure the name is only updated when the revisionName is empty.

There are likely more corner cases here so any and all feedback would be welcome to help us tackle these!


This bug caused very old VirtualMachineInstancetypeSpecRevision from instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1 to be captured in a ControllerRevision with a missing apiVersion attribute thanks to a known (kubernetes/client-go#541)[https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/issues/541] issue.

The fix was to ignore the apiVersion entirely when dealing with these older ControllerRevisions and handle conversion pre object as we do for >= instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1alpha2.

If anything this bug highlights the need to deprecate and remove support for these older versions as soon as possible to lower the overhead in maintaining the API and CRDs.




New O Overcommitted instance type class

With the introduction of the OvercommitPercent attribute in instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1 we have introduced a new O Overcommitted instance type class. Initially this class sets OvercommitPercent to 50%:

apiVersion: instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype
    instancetype.kubevirt.io/class: Overcommitted
    instancetype.kubevirt.io/description: |-
      The O Series is based on the N Series, with the only difference
      being that memory is overcommitted.

      *O* is the abbreviation for "Overcommitted".      
    instancetype.kubevirt.io/version: "1"
    instancetype.kubevirt.io/vendor: kubevirt.io
    instancetype.kubevirt.io/common-instancetypes-version: v0.3.0
  name: o1.medium
    guest: 1
    guest: 4Gi
    overcommitPercent: 50
s/Neutral/Universal/g instance type class

The N Neutral instance type class has been renamed U for Universal after several discussions about the future introduction of a new N Network focused instance type set of classes. The latter is still being discussed but if you have a specific use case you think we could cover in this family then please let me know!

Deprecation of legacy instance types
$ kubectl get virtualmachineclusterinstancetypes \
selecting podman as container runtime
NAME                     AGE
highperformance.large    3h53m
highperformance.medium   3h53m
highperformance.small    3h53m
server.large             3h53m
server.medium            3h53m
server.micro             3h53m
server.small             3h53m
server.tiny              3h53m
Resource labels

The following resource labels have been added to each hyperscale instance type to aid users searching for a type with specific resources:

  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/cpu
  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/memory

Additionally the following optional bool labels have also been added to relevant instance types to help users looking for more specific resources and features:

  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/dedicatedCPUPlacement
  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/hugepages
  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/isolateEmulatorThread
  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/numa
  • instancetype.kubevirt.io/gpus
$ kubectl get virtualmachineclusterinstancetype \
NAME          AGE
cx1.2xlarge   113s
cx1.4xlarge   113s
cx1.8xlarge   113s
cx1.large     113s
cx1.medium    113s
cx1.xlarge    113s
m1.2xlarge    113s
m1.4xlarge    113s
m1.8xlarge    113s
m1.large      113s
m1.xlarge     113s

$ kubectl get virtualmachineclusterinstancetype \
NAME         AGE
cx1.xlarge   3m8s
gn1.xlarge   3m8s
m1.xlarge    3m8s
n1.xlarge    3m8s

$ kubectl get virtualmachineclusterinstancetype \
NAME         AGE
cx1.xlarge   5m47s
m1.xlarge    5m47s
Version label

All released resources are now labelled with a instancetype.kubevirt.io/common-instancetypes-version label denoting the release the resource came from.

$ curl -Ls https://github.com/kubevirt/common-instancetypes/releases/download/v0.3.0/common-clusterinstancetypes-bundle-v0.3.0.yaml | yq '.metadata.labels["instancetype.kubevirt.io/common-instancetypes-version"]' | sort | uniq

What’s coming next




With instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1beta1 out the door it’s time to start planning v1. At the moment there isn’t a need for a v1beta2 but I’m always open to introducing that first if the need arises.

Deployment of common-instancetypes from virt-operator


This has been long talked about and raised a few times in my blog post but the time has definitely come to look at this seriously with KubeVirt v1.1.0 and instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1.

A formal community design proposal (or an enhancement if I get my way) will be written up in the coming weeks setting out how we might be able to achieve this.

Migration of existing ControllerRevisions to the latest instancetype.kubevirt.io version


Again long talked about but with a possible move to instancetype.kubevirt.io/v1 I really want to enable the removal of older versions such as v1alpha{1,2} and v1beta1.

Reducing the number of created ControllerRevisions


The final item I want to complete in the next release is again a long talked about short coming in the original implementation of the API. With the growing use of the API and CRDs I do want to address this in v1.1.0.


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