KubeVirt VirtualMachineFlavor Update #1

Much has changed since my last post introducing the VirtualMachine{Flavor,Preference} KubeVirt CRDs. In this post I’m going to touch on some of this, what’s coming next and provide a quick demo at the end.

What’s new

Introduction of VirtualMachine{ClusterPreference,Preference}



The two main PRs referenced by my previous post have landed, refactoring the initial code and introducing the VirtualMachine{ClusterPreference,Preference} CRDs to KubeVirt.

PreferredCPUTopology now defaults to PreferSockets


This was a trivial change as it was something the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook already defaults to if no topology is provided but a number of vCPUs are defined through resource requests.


func (mutator *VMIsMutator) setDefaultGuestCPUTopology(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) {
	cores := uint32(1)
	threads := uint32(1)
	sockets := uint32(1)
	vmiCPU := vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU
	if vmiCPU == nil || (vmiCPU.Cores == 0 && vmiCPU.Sockets == 0 && vmiCPU.Threads == 0) {
		// create cpu topology struct
		if vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU == nil {
			vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU = &v1.CPU{}
		//if cores, sockets, threads are not set, take value from domain resources request or limits and
		//set value into sockets, which have best performance (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1653453)
		resources := vmi.Spec.Domain.Resources
		if cpuLimit, ok := resources.Limits[k8sv1.ResourceCPU]; ok {
			sockets = uint32(cpuLimit.Value())
		} else if cpuRequests, ok := resources.Requests[k8sv1.ResourceCPU]; ok {
			sockets = uint32(cpuRequests.Value())

		vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU.Sockets = sockets
		vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU.Cores = cores
		vmi.Spec.Domain.CPU.Threads = threads

VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook application dropped


Lots of work went into this PR but ultimately the use cases around the direct use of the VirtualMachineInstance CRD by end users isn’t strong enough to justify the extra complexity introduced by it.

Default device preference application



With application of a flavor and preference no longer moving to the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook we now had ensure that all devices would be present by the time the existing application would happen within the VirtualMachine controller.

The above change moves and shares code from the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook that adds missing any missing Disks for listed Volumes and also adds a default Network and associated Interface if none are provided. This ensures that any preferences applied by the VirtualMachine controller to the VirtualMachineInstance object are also applied to these devices.

For example given the following VirtualMachinePreference that defines a preferredDiskBus and preferredInterfaceModel of virtio a VirtualMachine that doesn’t list any Disks or Interfaces will now have these preferences applied to the devices added during the creation of the VirtualMachineInstance. With these devices now being introduced by the VirtualMachine controller itself instead of the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook.

cat <<EOF | ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh apply -f -
apiVersion: flavor.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachineFlavor
  name: small
    guest: 2
    guest: 128Mi
apiVersion: flavor.kubevirt.io/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachinePreference
  name: virtio
    preferredDiskBus: virtio
    preferredInterfaceModel: virtio
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
  name: example
    kind: VirtualMachineFlavor
    name: small
    kind: VirtualMachinePreference
    name: virtio
  running: false
        devices: {}
      - containerDisk:
          image: registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:devel
        name: containerdisk
      - cloudInitNoCloud:
          userData: |

            echo 'printed from cloud-init userdata'            
        name: cloudinitdisk
$ ./cluster-up/virtctl.sh start example && ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh wait vms/example --for=condition=Ready
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/example -o json | jq .spec.domain.devices.disks
selecting docker as container runtime
    "disk": {
      "bus": "virtio"
    "name": "containerdisk"
    "disk": {
      "bus": "virtio"
    "name": "cloudinitdisk"
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis/example -o json | jq .spec.domain.devices.interfaces
selecting docker as container runtime
    "bridge": {},
    "model": "virtio",
    "name": "default"

Removal of SharedInformers


I was alerted to issues around the use of SharedInformers within our API workers during the PR moving flavor application to the VirtualMachineInstance mutation webhook.

After this I started to notice the occasional CI failure both up and downstream that appeared to marry with the suggested symptoms. Either a recently created VirtualMachine{Flavor,Preference} object would not be seen by another worker or the generation of the object seen by the worker would be older than expected, leading to failures.

As such we decided to remove the use of SharedInformers for flavors and preferences, reverting back to straight client calls for retrieval instead. The impact of this change hasn’t been fully measured yet but is on our radar for the coming weeks to ensure performance isn’t impacted.

Upcoming changes

Versioning through ControllerRevisions


This is another large foundational PR making the entire concept usable by users in the real world. The current design is for ControllerRevisions containing the VirtualMachineFlavorSpec and VirtualMachinePreferenceSpec to be created after the initial application of a flavor and preference to a VirtualMachineInstance by the VirtualMachine controller are start time. A reference to these ControllerRevisions is then patched into the FlavorMatcher and PreferenceMatcher associated with the VirtualMachine and used to gather the specs in the future. Hopefully ensuring future restarts will continue to produce the same VirtualMachineInstance object.


I was not involved in the initial design and naming of the CRDs but after coming onboard it was quickly highlighted that while OpenStack uses Flavors all other public cloud providers use some form of Type object to contain their resource and performance characteristics. With that in mind we have agreed to rename the CRDs for KubeVirt.

VirtualMachineFlavor and VirtualMachineClusterFlavor will become VirtualMachineInstancetype and VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype.

This aligns us with the public cloud providers while making it clear that these CRDs relate to the VirtualMachineInstance. We couldn’t shorten this to VirtualMachineType anyway as that could easily clash with the MachineType term from QEMU that we already expose as part of our API.

VirtualMachinePreference and VirtualMachineClusterPreference will also become VirtualMachineInstancePreference and VirtualMachineInstanceClusterPreference.

How and when this happens is still up in the air but the current suggestion is that these new CRDs will live alongside the existing CRDs while we deprecate and eventually remove them from the project.

Design document updates

Between versioning and renaming there’s lots of change listed above and I do want to get back to the design document before this all lands.


As listed at the start, this demo is using an unmerged versioning PR https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/pull/7875.

The demo itself introduces the current CRDs, their basic behaviour, their interaction with default devices and finally their behaviour with the above versioning PR applied.

I was time limited in the downstream presentation I gave using this recording so please be aware it moves pretty quickly between topics. I’d highly recommend downloading the file and using asciinema to play it locally along with the spacebar to pause between commands.



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